Molten metal splash commonly occurs when moisture or wet materials are introduced causing the metal to explode violently and throw dangerous molten metal into the air.


Did You Know?

Failure to provide personal protective equipment designed for molten metal splash hazard is a serious infraction of OSHA standard 29 CRF 1910.132, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, and other regulations which can lead to convictions and fines.

Pursuant to OSHA regulations, 29 CFR 1910.132 (Subpart I), an employer bears sole responsibility for selecting the type(s) of personal protective
 equipment to be used by its employees. All purchasers of FRC garments and/or laundering services from Cintas bear full responsibility for
selecting the PPE appropriate for use by their employees. Cintas makes no representation, warranty, or covenant with respect to the flame-
resistant qualities of the garments or with respect to the fitness or suitability of the garments for any particular use or purpose. The purchase
of any goods or services from Cintas is subject to Cintas’s Standard Terms and Conditions and/or any other applicable written contract executed between the purchaser and Cintas relating to such purchase.


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